Innovation: Faculty Experts
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Sara Becker
Field: Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Psychology, Public Health
Focus Areas: Addiction and Substance Abuse, Behavior Change, Innovation
Jonathan Copulsky
Field: Marketing
Focus Areas: Audience Engagement and Insight, B2B Marketing, Brand and Reputation Management, Content Marketing, Innovation, Publishing
Hayes Ferguson
Rayvon Fouché
Elizabeth Gerber
Field: Mechanical Engineering
Focus Areas: Crowdsourcing, Design Thinking, Human-Machine Interaction, Innovation, Organizational Culture, Social Networks
Jeremy D. Gilbert
Benjamin Jones
Dr. Abel N Kho
Candy Lee
Joel Mokyr
Focus Areas: Innovation
Steve Reed
Field: Business Law
Focus Areas: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Intellectual Property Rights, Mergers and Acquisitions
David Schonthal
Field: Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Focus Areas: Design Thinking, Entrepreneurship, Innovation
Joel Shalowitz
Ryan Smerek
Reed Stevens
Field: Education
Focus Areas: Childhood Education, Innovation, STEM Education
Spencer Striker
Field: Artificial Intelligence, Communications, Education, History, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Visual Arts
Focus Areas: Artificial Intelligence, Design Thinking, Digital Media, Educational Development, Entrepreneurship, Gaming, Innovation, Sound Design, Technology Companies, Wearable Technology