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Innovation: Faculty Experts

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Focus Area: Innovation
Sara Becker Headshot

Sara Becker

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Alice Hamilton Professor of Psychiatry, Director of the Center for Dissemination and Implementation Science
Jonathan Copulsky Headshot

Jonathan Copulsky

Kellogg School of Management, Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications
Senior Lecturer of Marketing and Academic Director, Business Marketing Strategy Program
Mark Fisher Headshot

Mark Fisher

McCormick School of Engineering
Clinical Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Rayvon Fouché  Headshot

Rayvon Fouché

Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications, School of Communication
Professor, Communication Studies and Medill School of Journalism
Jeremy D. Gilbert  Headshot

Jeremy D. Gilbert

Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications
Professor, Knight Chair in Digital Media Strategy
Candy Lee Headshot

Candy Lee

Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications
Professor of Journalism and Integrated Marketing Communications
Joel Mokyr Headshot

Joel Mokyr

Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences
Robert H. Strotz Professor of Arts and Sciences and Professor of Economics and History

Field: Economics, History

Focus Areas: Innovation

Steve Reed Headshot

Steve Reed

Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law
Clinical Professor of Law
David Schonthal Headshot

David Schonthal

Kellogg School of Management
Clinical Professor of Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Joel Shalowitz Headshot

Joel Shalowitz

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Clinical Professor of Strategy Emeritus
Ryan Smerek Headshot

Ryan Smerek

School of Education and Social Policy
Associate Professor, MS in Learning and Organizational Change Program
Reed Stevens Headshot

Reed Stevens

School of Education and Social Policy
Professor of Learning Sciences
Brian Uzzi Headshot

Brian Uzzi

Kellogg School of Management
Richard L. Thomas Professor of Leadership and Organizational Change
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