Psychological Counseling: Faculty Experts
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Jacqueline Gollan

Timothy Pearman
Field: Integrative Medicine, Medical Social Sciences, Preventive Medicine, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Psychology
Focus Areas: Behavior Change, Cancer Survivorship, Depression and Anxiety, Gynecologic Cancer, Lifestyle and Wellness, Lymphoma, Medical Quality of Life, Mental Health, Oncofertility, Pancreatic Cancer, Psychological Counseling

Jessica Lee Schleider

Stewart Shankman

Madison Shea Smith
Field: Computational Social Science, Data Science, Medical Social Sciences, Psychology
Focus Areas: Addiction and Substance Use, Behavior Change, Clinical Research, Data Science, Discrimination, Domestic Violence, Eating Disorders, Family Dynamics, Gender Diversity and Equality, Gender Identity, Health Equity and Disparities, HIV/AIDS, Inequality, Intersectionality, LGBTQ Health, Mental Health, Personality and Identity Construction, Psychological Counseling, Relationships, Reproductive Health, Research Methods, Sexual Assault, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Social Networks, Statistics and probability