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Data Science: Faculty Experts

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Focus Area: Data Science
Tarek Abdallah Headshot

Tarek Abdallah

Kellogg School of Management
Assistant Professor of Operations Management
Randall Berry Headshot

Randall Berry

McCormick School of Engineering
John A. Dever Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Lee Cooper Headshot

Lee Cooper

McCormick School of Engineering, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Associate Professor of Pathology
Zoheyr Doctor Headshot

Zoheyr Doctor

Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences
Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA) Board of Visitors Research Assistant Professor
Steven Franconeri Headshot

Steven Franconeri

Kellogg School of Management, McCormick School of Engineering, The Graduate School, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences
Professor of Psychology
Julia Gaudio Headshot

Julia Gaudio

McCormick School of Engineering, The Graduate School
Assistant Professor
Aaron Geller Headshot

Aaron Geller

Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences
Lead Data Scientist
Matthew Goldrick Headshot

Matthew Goldrick

Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences
Professor of Linguistics
Jessica Hullman Headshot

Jessica Hullman

McCormick School of Engineering
Professor of Computer Science
Diego Klabjan Headshot

Diego Klabjan

McCormick School of Engineering
Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences
Edward C. Malthouse Headshot

Edward C. Malthouse

McCormick School of Engineering, Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications
Erastus Otis Haven Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication, Journalism, Industrial Engineering and Management Science
Thomas Miller Headshot

Thomas Miller

Northwestern University School of Professional Studies
Faculty director of the master's in data science program
Barry L. Nelson Headshot

Barry L. Nelson

McCormick School of Engineering
Walter P. Murphy Professor Emeritus of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences
Dr. Alpesh A. Patel Headshot

Dr. Alpesh A. Patel

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and Neurological Surgery
Melville Ulmer Headshot

Melville Ulmer

Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences
Professor in the Department of Physics & Astronomy
Suzan Van Der Lee Headshot

Suzan Van Der Lee

Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences
Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Hui Zhang Headshot

Hui Zhang

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Professor of Preventive Medicine
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