Stress: Faculty Experts
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Emma Adam
Jacqueline Gollan
Claudia Haase
Field: Aging, Human Development, Psychology
Focus Areas: Behavior Change, Communication Skills, Conflict Resolution, Mental Health, Parenting , Physiology, Social Psychology, Stress
Nia Heard-Garris
Richard Morimoto
Field: Aging, Human Biology, Molecular Biosciences
Focus Areas: Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease, Neurodegenerative Disease, Stress
Melinda Ring
Field: Integrative Medicine
Focus Areas: Acupuncture, Alternative Medicine, Lifestyle and Wellness, Menopause, Mind-Body Medicine , Nutrition, Stress, Thyroid Health, Women's Health
Stewart Shankman
Alyssa M Vela
Dr. Jonathon William Wanta
Field: Emergency Medicine, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Focus Areas: ADD and ADHD, Autism, Depression and Anxiety, Stress