Sustainable energy: Faculty Experts
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Holly Troy Benz
Vinayak P. Dravid
Jennifer Dunn
Field: Chemical and Biological Engineering
Focus Areas: Biofuels, Climate Change, Environmental Sustainability, Pollution, Sustainable energy
Kimberly Gray
Andrew D. Jacobson
Field: Earth Science
Focus Areas: Carbon Cycle, Climate Change, Decarbonization, Environmental Science, Geology, Sustainable energy
Abraham Lerman
Field: Earth Science
Focus Areas: Carbon Cycle, Climate Change, Geology, Sustainable energy
Nancy Loeb
Field: Environmental Law
Focus Areas: Climate Change, Environmental Sustainability, Legal Advocacy, Sustainable energy
Jeffrey Lopez
Justin M. Notestein
Brad Sageman
Field: Earth Science
Focus Areas: Carbon Cycle, Climate Change, Decarbonization, Environmental Sustainability, Geology, Sustainable energy