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'Immunity ruling threatens the foundations of our constitutional democracy'

Northwestern Law expert on SCOTUS Trump v. United States ruling

Martin Redish is the Louis and Harriet Ancel Professor of Law and Public Policy at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law. His areas of expertise include constitutional law, federal courts, civil procedure and freedom of expression. To request an interview, please contact Stephanie Kulke at 847-491-4819 or by emailing

Quote from Professor Redish
"This is a confused and frightening decision which threatens the very foundations of our constitutional democracy. The Framers’ greatest fear was the onset of tyranny, and no branch of the government threatens tyranny more than the executive, who is commander-in-chief of the military. Our system is also premised on the notion that no person is above the law. The Court’s majority, however, has said that the one person most likely to acquire tyrannical power is, in many cases, above the law. The confusing exceptions the Court creates out of whole cloth will effectively remove virtually any deterrence of a president determined to acquire that tyrannical power. I fear we will seriously regret this decision in the coming years."