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Researchers find Illinois child care fared well with state support amid COVID-19 chaos
September 16, 2021 – from Northwestern Now
Northwestern University researchers assessing the response to COVID-19 for child care programs in Illinois have found the state’s efforts to bolster child care access to first responders while stabilizing the market were equitable and largely successful.
Block Museum marks 40th anniversary by asking ‘Who Says, Who Shows, What Counts?’
September 16, 2021
The Block Museum of Art at Northwestern University celebrates its 40th anniversary and the full reopening of its galleries with the fall 2021 exhibition “Who Says, Who Shows, What Counts: Thinking about History with The Block’s Collection.”
Texas abortion ban will likely ‘disproportionately impact trans and marginalized people’
September 15, 2021
The abortion ban in Texas imposes the burden of pregnancy — and with it, the burden of potential dysphoria, being outed or violence — on trans individuals without viable alternative choices.
* Media Advisory
* Media Advisory
Newsom recall will test GOP theory that Latinos are becoming more conservative
September 14, 2021
Geraldo Cadava, a history professor at Northwestern University and author of “The Hispanic Republican,” said he wouldn’t be surprised if the election to recall Governor Gavin Newsom works, amid evidence of an uptick in Latino support for Trump in 2020.
* Media Advisory
* Media Advisory
Researchers develop new tool for analyzing large superconducting circuits
September 13, 2021
Researchers illustrated their theoretical tool for quantum computing by extracting information from a protected circuit information that was unobtainable using standard techniques.
What was really the secret behind Van Gogh’s success?
September 13, 2021
By using AI to mine big data related to creatives, researchers discovered that exploration directly followed by exploitation is often associated with a career hot streak.
‘Focus on the lived lives of the victims’
September 8, 2021
Northwestern professors from the fields of history, political science, education and social policy are available to discuss a variety of 9/11 topics ranging from technological warfare, domestic terrorism, racial profiling, soldier morale and how teachers and parents can educate children about atrocities.
* Media Advisory
* Media Advisory
Biomarker predicts cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease
September 7, 2021
A biomarker in the brain predicts future cognitive decline in patients with the language form of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), reports a new Northwestern Medicine study.
Infants link language and cognition, whether the language is spoken or a sign language
September 7, 2021
Cognitive developmental scientists from Northwestern University discovered that observing American Sign Language (ASL) promotes cognition in hearing infants who had never been exposed to a signed language.
Black and Mexican American adults develop diabetes at a younger age
September 7, 2021
Americans are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at an average age of 50 years old, but a new study found the average age was four to seven years earlier in Black and Mexican American adults.