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Elizabeth Johnson : Faculty Experts

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Elizabeth Johnson

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Assistant Professor of Medical Social Sciences, Pediatrics, and Psychology


Areas of Focus

  • Human cognititive performance
  • Human neuroscience
  • Human development and aging


Johnson is a cognitive neuroscientist studying the brain dynamics underlying memory and cognitive control across the human lifespan. This includes neurophysiological mechanisms of cognitive performance, neurocognitive development and aging, and neurocognitive performance enhancement.


Johnson's research combines methods from cognitive psychology and human neuroscience, including invasive and noninvasive electrophysiology, electrical stimulation, eye tracking and structural imaging.

Outcomes of this research advance basic science and translate to better quality of life by revealing how and in whom cognitive decline may be prevented or remediated. Outside the lab, she participates in ongoing educational outreach as an Associate Editor for the journal Frontiers for Young Minds (“science for kids, edited by kids”).

Dr. Johnson holds a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience from the University of California, Berkeley, and a BA in Psychology from the University of Chicago.