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Dr. Caleb Murphy : Faculty Experts

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Dr. Caleb Murphy

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Assistant Professor of Medicine


Areas of Focus

  • Healthcare waste
  • Healthcare costs
  • Healthcare quality improvement
  • Electronic medical record (EMR)
  • Health policy advocacy


  • Reducing unnecessary hospital care
  • Clinical decision support innovations
  • Quality improvement education


Murphy is an academic hospitalist whose work focuses on reducing unnecessary care in the hospital setting. He has led or supported successful EMR-based quality improvement interventions addressing daily labs, routine nursing care, delirium management and syncope evaluation. He previously helped develop and publish the Minnesota Lab Appropriateness Criteria for measuring wasteful lab testing.

Outside of Northwestern, Murphy is the Early Career Physicians chair for the American College of Physicians-Northern Illinois chapter, and he previously served in national student and health policy leadership roles with the ACP.