Communities of color suffer disproportionately higher pollution-related deaths November 7, 2023 First study to estimate mortality related to nitrogen dioxide exposure across U.S.
Chicago community violence intervention program shown to reduce gun violence November 6, 2023 Study shows a steep drop in arrests for violent crime among program participants
Northwestern is part of national effort to develop hydrogen fuel economy November 6, 2023 Plan is to produce hydrogen by leveraging diverse and abundant energy sources, including renewable energy, natural gas and low-cost nuclear energy
Higher parenting stress for dads working from home during pandemic November 3, 2023 Fathers who worked remotely were more than twice as likely to report higher parenting stress compared to those who worked onsite
One Book One Northwestern seeks recommendations for 2024-2025 November 3, 2023 Submit ideas for next year by Nov. 20
Celebrating the trailblazers who are first-gen college students November 3, 2023 Northwestern’s “I’m First” week of campus programming and awards leads up to National First-Generation College Celebration on Nov. 8
Search advisory committee formed to find new vice president for Alumni Relations and Development November 2, 2023 Individual chosen will succeed Bob McQuinn, who stepped down at the end of October
Paid family leave boosted postpartum wellbeing, breastfeeding rates November 2, 2023 U.S is the only wealthy country without universal paid family, medical leave coverage
One sleepless night can rapidly reverse depression for several days November 2, 2023 Acute sleep loss increases dopamine release and rewires the brain, new study finds
‘Super melanin’ heals skin injuries from sunburn, chemical burns November 2, 2023 Synthetic cream also protects skin from sun damage