Arielle W. Tolman, a J.D./Ph.D. candidate in sociology and a doctoral fellow at the American Bar Foundation, was recently awarded a grant from the Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy for her project “Criminal Prosecution of Prisoners with Mental Illness.”
She’s also the recipient of the Foundation’s Donald R. Cressey Award for the most outstanding policy-related project in criminal justice and penology practices.
The Foundation selected 25 scholars to receive grants for research in the social sciences for the 2019 award year. Projects must deal with contemporary issues in the social sciences, particularly issues of policy relevance.
“This year we received 965 applications, the largest number in our history,” said Mary E. Curtis, chair of the Foundation. “The 25 applicants who are receiving awards this year represent less than 3 percent of those who applied. The Trustees consider their work on topics of social and political importance to be vibrant examples of how policy research can help us address the challenges of today’s complex society.”
Established in 1998, the Horowitz Foundation approves approximately 25 grants each year. Awards are for $7,500; proposals in certain targeted areas receive additional amounts.