Established in 2016 by former Northwestern University Provost Daniel Linzer, the Provost Awards and Grants for Faculty Diversity and Equity have been renamed to honor his dedication to building a more diverse, inclusive and equitable climate on campus.
Nominations for the newly-named Daniel I. Linzer Awards for Faculty Excellence in Diversity and Equity and applications for the Daniel I. Linzer Grants for Innovation in Diversity and Equity are both due Nov. 1.
“To be a great institution of the world, we must be represented by diverse voices of the world,” current University Provost Jonathan Holloway said. “Dan’s commitment to that ideal, highlighted by his creation of these awards, fosters a powerful learning environment for students and faculty to grow into leaders on a global stage.”
The Awards and Grants aim to enhance diversity across the spectrum including race, gender, religion, socioeconomic status, age and political affiliation.
“I am honored and humbled to have these awards named for me,” Linzer said. “The goals of the grants and awards are, quite simply, to catalyze and recognize the best ideas to improve diversity and inclusion throughout the University. These are incredibly important aims and not-at-all-easy work given the strongly held and broad range of views on campuses and throughout the country on these issues. Northwestern can be a leader in this area.”
To be a great institution of the world, we must be represented by diverse voices of the world.”
Learn more about the programs and download the award nomination form and the grant application form on the Office of the Provost website.
In 2016-17, the Office of the Provost awarded nearly $165,000 to recognize the work of extraordinary faculty members and to fund creative faculty projects designed to improve diversity and equity at Northwestern University. Read more about the inaugural award and grant recipients on Northwestern Now.
In addition to the Daniel I. Linzer Awards and Grants, funding is available to support faculty innovation in advancing teaching and learning projects. The Alumnae Curriculum Awards provide support for faculty to develop new courses that will enhance innovation in Northwestern’s undergraduate curriculum for the coming academic year. The Provost’s Digital Learning Fellowship supports faculty projects to develop innovative digital or online projects focused on improving student learning at both the graduate and undergraduate student levels. Applications for both of these funding opportunities also are due by Nov. 1.